Navigating the Maze – Conference Organisers in Singapore

Singapore, a global hub for business and innovation, often plays host to a plethora of conferences across diverse industries. Whether it’s a tech summit attracting international delegates or a niche industry gathering, the success of such events hinges on expert planning and execution. This is where conference organisers step in, playing a crucial role in transforming a vision into a reality.

What is a Conference Organiser?

A conference organiser, also referred to as a Professional Conference Organiser (PCO), acts as a single point of contact and a trusted partner throughout the entire conference lifecycle. They possess the expertise and resources to meticulously manage every aspect, from initial concept development to post-event evaluation.

The Symphony of Responsibilities: What Does a Conference Organiser Do?

The responsibilities of a conference organiser are extensive, encompassing a wide range of tasks:

Strategy and Planning: Working closely with the client, the organiser establishes the conference objectives, target audience, budget, and timeline. They conduct market research to identify trends and develop a compelling theme.

Venue Sourcing and Management: Negotiating contracts with venues, securing the ideal space based on logistics, capacity, and desired ambience falls under the organiser’s purview.

Logistics and Operations: From managing speaker invitations and travel arrangements to securing equipment and catering services, the organiser orchestrates the intricate operational details.

Marketing and Promotion: Crafting a comprehensive marketing strategy, developing promotional materials, and managing online and offline registration are crucial aspects handled by the organiser.

Financial Management: Budgeting, overseeing vendor payments, and managing sponsorship opportunities are key financial responsibilities shouldered by the organiser.

On-site Management: The organiser ensures a seamless event experience by coordinating logistics, managing volunteers, and addressing any last-minute hiccups during the conference.

Post-event Evaluation: Gathering feedback, analysing data, and providing a comprehensive post-event report to assess the success of the conference is an integral part of the organiser’s role.

Outsourcing Expertise: Working with a Conference Organiser

Many organisations, especially those without an in-house events team or lacking the expertise for large-scale conferences, choose to outsource their event management needs to a conference organiser. The process typically involves:

Request for Proposal (RFP): The organisation outlines its requirements and budget, and invites proposals from several PCOs.

Proposal Evaluation: Proposals are evaluated based on experience, track record, proposed approach, and cost competitiveness.

Selection and Contract: The organisation selects the best-suited PCO and finalises the contract, clearly outlining expectations and responsibilities.

Collaboration and Communication: Open and consistent communication between the client and the organiser is vital throughout the planning and execution process.

Benefits of Hiring a Conference Organiser: Why Go External?

Engaging a conference organiser offers several key advantages over managing the event internally:

Expertise and Resources: PCOs possess extensive knowledge of the industry, established relationships with vendors, and access to specialised resources like event technology platforms, ensuring a more professional and streamlined process.

Cost-effectiveness: While an initial fee is involved, experienced organisers can often negotiate better rates with vendors and ensure efficient resource allocation, potentially leading to cost savings in the long run.

Efficiency and Time-saving: Juggling the demands of a conference alongside regular business operations can be overwhelming. PCOs take the reins, freeing up valuable time and resources for the organisation to focus on core activities.

Risk Management: PCOs have the experience to anticipate and mitigate potential risks, ensuring a smoother and more successful event.

Objectivity and Fresh Perspective: An external perspective can be invaluable in bringing new ideas to the table and ensuring a well-rounded approach to planning and execution.

Before You Make a Decision: Important Considerations

Before entrusting your conference to an external party, careful consideration is crucial:

Experience and Track Record: Research the organiser’s expertise in your industry, their past projects, and references from previous clients.

Services Offered: Ensure the PCO’s services align with your specific needs and budget. Discuss the level of involvement and flexibility they offer.

Communication Style and Chemistry: Find an conference organiser who fosters open communication, actively listens to your vision, and demonstrates a collaborative approach.

Contractual Clarity: Ensure the contract clearly outlines the scope of work, responsibilities, fees, payment terms, and termination clauses.


In the dynamic landscape of conferences in Singapore, choosing the right conference organiser can make a significant difference. By understanding their role, the benefits of outsourcing, and carefully considering various factors, you can embark on a collaborative journey that culminates in a successful and impactful event.